Basic Movement Naked Yoga ( For Educational Purposes ONLY ) | Nude Video on YouTube
Duration: 15:47
Views: 53K
Submitted: 4 years ago
Basic Movement Naked Yoga ( For Educational Purposes ONLY )
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«Beautiful. Love your yoga.»
«Beautiful, just want to do yoga with you without clothes»
«I really enjoyed your video. Of course, I loved the fact that you where nude, however, it really did show the muscles involved in each movement allot better, and the
way you presented it was amazing.
Your video was extremely relaxing and educational. Your personality went with it in step and perfect. Your body shows the work you have put into it all around.
on a personal note. Very arousing as well. every part of you was perfect in my eyes. Your voice, your breast are beautiful, and the look of your vaginal area with
your gorgeous butt checks framing it as you took various poses, just perfect. You would think it would be distracting, but it had the opposite effect. Relaxing and
helped you focus on the stretches and graceful movements. love it. Would love to see many more. Not only did I get a great instructional video, but have a beautiful woman to fantasize over. Wanting to kiss and touch every part of you, to include your heart. :) Thank you.»